Vutakaka Secondary School building
The scene at Vutakaka for World Population Day
Me dancing at the World Pop Day - awesome!
Found this on the path to school
Fatma and Uschi - my friends and team mates
P.S. I know I need more pictures of me so you all know that I am alive and well. I will get some from Liz and Adam and post asap. Mom - can you find a way to post those photos I emailed you that I wasn't able to post here in a comment? Not sure it that is possible, but would be cool. Thanks ma!
Hi - I wasn't able to figure out how to put the pictures in the comments - sorry. But, they are great photos! I posted to the next message too!
Thanks so much for sharing pictures! Everything looks so neat and tidy. I might wish for slightly nicer toilet facilities, but still :)
Good to see your face, too!
Hey Mama,
I am so sorry to not have written until now. But I just caught up on all of your blogs and wow! What amaaazing things you are doing and expereincing! I am so happy for you and glad all is working out well. I definitely miss you around the BK but I am very happy for where you are and what you are doing!! I loved all of the picts so much fun to see where you are, and who you are with.
Summer here is going great! I will write more soon. Love you lotsa!
hey chica!
you look great. I agree with sandra that it's so nice to see you're face.
miss you lots
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